Hello again (is it Season 3 yet?)

The bulk of my work year is over, leaving me with the writing energy to actually get some reviews out, starting in November. I have a pretty solid backlog of Indian and Tibetan incenses to go out so things should step up pretty soon. If you would like reviews this is also probably a good time, and you can contact me looking for the bold text on the About page.

So I need to talk about something and I’m going to do it in general. I started Olfactory Rescue Service out of a sense of enthusiam and love of incense. It has been around, except for a five-year break, since 2007 and through all of those years, it has built up a network of people who I can check up with in a minute. There are quite a few wonderful companies that still exist today and they’re listed somewhere on the bottom left. But I have a confession to make and that’s that I can sometimes underestimate the reach and effect of this site and this can sometimes go far beyond this circle. But I also have a reasonable intuition when something is off or suspicious and it is not hard for me to check in with people in this network to confirm something.

I’m not an unforgiving or vengeful person and I’m all for second chances, but my advice to any company or forum that has used or uses aggressive, divisive, fraudulent, or predatory capitalist methods to carve themselves a niche in this community that I’d like to give you the chance to walk that back while you have it. I once deleted reviews of an entire company’s incenses when I validated complaints of plagiarism of incense names, and it took me days to do all that work. Today I took a major forum off of my links. I do my best to protect the better selves of our community and if you believe I have the reach to increase your signal, be sure it’s the kind of signal you want increased first. I’d much rather the story be that you became a neighbor and joined the flow rather than disrupting it. I don’t gleefully jump into stuff like this, quite frankly I fucking hate it, but sometimes honesty and transparency necessitates it.