Winter Resins

[NOTE 7/5/21: Links changed to direct to general Mermade’s Resins, Woods and Herbs Page, Mermade’s Natural Perfumes Page. I’ve left the Apothecary’s Garden links as is. Both are still great sources for the same materials but please check for availability. – Mike]

There is a lot of great frankincense on the market right now as well as other resins, all of which seem to work really well during the autumn and winter months as relaxing as well as comforting scents.

Mermade has some great Light Green Frankincense as well as crystalline Frankincense Absolute, which I have not seen before. They both have a nice citrusy scent that is very clean and a really nice room scent, excellent for cleaning a rooms atmosphere on any level, either used on coals or in the electric heater. Also the loose mix called “Floating World” has a far amount of resins as well as spices (actually it somewhat reminds me of Spirit Temple) and is another great one for this time of year.

For a resin scent that is wearable and in a liquid form check out the Body Oils. I have sampled both the Greenwood and the Kyphi and both are wonderful.

ApothecarysGarden also has some great resins, Frankincense as well as Pines and Spruce as well as civet and castorium for tincturing. Since the owner is actually going to the countries involved and talking to the people who do the harvest (or in the case of the Pine and Spruce I think it is him doing the harvest) they seem to be very good and I like the personal connection. The Riva, Fereana, Neglecta and Papyrifere are all good as well as not what one tends to find other places. He also stocks a number of tinctures, essential oils and care products that he is doing himself. I have tried a number of these and the quality is high.